
Come join exciting discussion sessions at Helsinki Education Week!

Helsinki Education Week 2020 is a week-long celebration of learning in Helsinki that highlights the great work being done in the city's daycare centres, schools and educational institutions, as well as enables collaboration with international experts in education. The week's theme is Learning by Design and the programme emphasises collaboration, wellbeing and e-learning.

The programme is divided into four different categories: Hands On, Dialogue, Network and Explore. The Dialogue category consists of various discussion sessions, and there is surely something for everyone! 

Do you want to hear more about fighting climate change? In the webinar Helsinki model: How to tackle climate change with curriculum and creativity? experts from the Helsinki Education Division share their experiences and thoughts on the topic and talk about how students can influence and participate in the fight against climate change. The event Ratkaisuvoimaa - HNH2035-opintojakso vahvistaa ilmastotaistelua covers the same topic in Finnish. Why not come along and listen to both! 

Welcome to discuss the choice of A1 language during the event Huoltajat: Miksi ruotsi kannattaa valita A1 kieleksi? Kielilähettiläät kertovat omia kokemuksiaan. This topic of discussion is primarily relevant for preschool parents and guardians. For those who love podcasts, we recommend the event Opehuoneen ääni HEW-podcast. This special episode discusses the events of the week, the story behind and the future of Helsinki Education Week. Come and listen!  

The Nordisk skolchatt – Pohjoismainen kouluchat event is a great opportunity for Finnish- and Swedish-language students to discuss with each other in another language in fun, 5-minute chat sessions. The event is organised at two different times, the first one is meant for students in grade 4-6 and the second one for students in grade 7-9. For educators and leaders, there is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with the IntegrateUs Program, a virtual exchange program that develops 21st-century competencies and connects schools from all over the world. The event is held on three different occasions during the week, choose the one that suits you the best and come along! 

Explore the full programme on the Helsinki Education Week website and join in to learn new things and gain insights!